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Know your Strawberries - Fun Facts

by Urban Organic Life, 07 Jun 2023

Strawberries contain more vitamin C compared to oranges. 

According to nutritionists, an average-sized strawberry has approximately 58.8 mg of Vitamin C which is 5.6 mg more than that of the average orange fruit.

Strawberry is made up of 91% water.

Strawberries are made up of 91% water which means that eating these luscious red fruits will also contribute to your daily water intake. Additionally, it also provides your body with a good source of fiber and antioxidants which helps the human body fight against and prevent diseases.

The strawberry fruit is a member of the rose family.

The strawberry fruit is classified into the Rosaceae family which is also commonly known as the rose family despite being a fruit harvested for consumption. This group is also known to be made up of flowering plants which the strawberry has close relations with due to its budding system while growing.

Strawberries are also rich in antioxidants and promote benefits for better health.

Apart from antioxidants, strawberries are also noted to have high amounts of plant compounds which can promote great benefits for human heart health. Additionally, consuming the fruit raw is also known to promote great blood sugar control and provide vitamins proven to help improve and brighter one’s skin such as sodium ascorbyl phosphate (SAP).

Planting strawberries have been noted to have benefits to the domestic environment.

According to research, planting strawberries is considered to be fairly sustainable and has shown no significant damage to the environment. Additionally, it has also been noted that strawberry farms that do not make use of pesticides also significantly reduce the harmful effects of the chemicals on both their produce and soil.

While there are several methods of cooking and preparing strawberries, this red fruit is more commonly consumed raw or when freshly picked from its plant. 

So go ahead and enjoy the fruit in its season!!






