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Emmer or Khapli Wheat!!

by Urban Organic Life, 07 Jun 2023

Emmer is an ancient two rowed hulled wheat that is also known as farro in Europe. Emmer is a high protein wheat and is used for pasta, bread, pilafs and flatbreads.

Its value lies in its ability to give good yields on poor soils, and its resistance to fungal diseases such as stem rust that are prevalent in wet areas.  This relatively little-known grain has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development and support sustainable landcare.


Emmer is high in fiber. One half cup contains 26-40% of the fiber we need in a day. Fiber helps lower cholesterol, prevents constipation, normalizes blood glucose and insulin, and can reduce the risk for some kinds of cancer.


Although probably still not recommended for people with Celiac Disease, Emmer generally has lower amounts of gluten than regular wheat and may be better for those with gluten intolerances or other allergies associated with wheat (Sidenote: This lower level of gluten makes for denser bread).


Vitamins and Minerals. They always go together, and most people know they’re important. But sometimes we aren’t focused enough on the vital role that they really play in our health.

Emmer is an excellent source of niacin and pantothenic acid which are both important for metabolism. Niacin also plays and important role in our skin, digestive systems, and and nervous systems.

As far as minerals go, emmer is an excellent source of magnesium and a good source of the antioxidant, selenium. It’s easier to find a body process that magnesium doesn’t have a hand in. It’s important for bones, protein creation, immune system function, muscle contraction, and the nervous system. And just a half a cup of emmer contains 29% of the daily value for magnesium.


Emmer has a low glycemic index. That’s a good thing. Regulating blood sugar is an ongoing process of our bodies. A food that has a low glycemic index is better because it releases the glucose more slowly and steadily. This helps keep our blood glucose and insulin levels under control. A diet low on the glycemic index can prevent many long-term health issues. A study published in 2014 tested a few ancient grains’ effect on animals and compared them to the effect of modern wheat. They found that emmer may delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.





